Sunday, August 4, 2013

Three Wishes and The Challenge

"I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't real as here and now?" - John Lennon

I was carefully looking through my Heart of the Fairies Oracle cards this evening and randomly drew a card. I had no particular reason or intent, but more or less to see - What did the Fae want me to know? I drew The Challenge. The Challenge card is number 56 and one of the sixteen journey cards. "These cards also stand for the stages of life's journey and will give insight into where the reader stands on this journey..."(Froud, 2010)

The Challenge is asking me if I am open to a new adventure or if I will allow my little inner voice criticize and tell me I'm not worthy enough.She is encouraging me to be brave, stand up to those that may try be an obstacle, and move forward. Interestingly enough - I have never been one to speak up and that little inner voice is constantly babbling away. Perhaps, The Challenge is speaking loudly today!

Reading further into the companion book I read Froud's Three Wishes Oracle spread. As instructed I was merely thoughtless while selecting my cards and placing them face down. I turned over the first card ... guess who shows her face AGAIN? Yes! The Challenge.

Froud states that wish one is "foolish" and what you believe you want. The second card represents what I need to do to make the first wish happen - that is if it's not wished in haste. I drew the Prince of Shadows - a Queen's consort, a dangerous card. A beautiful, nearly image of perfection that is tempting. The Prince of Shadows warns me of everything I want so badly, but will only hurt me in the end. This struck as very, very ironic providing my current circumstances and how the Prince of Shadows matches precisely someone very close to me, that hurts me so deeply. I believe the Prince of Shadows is representing a wish I have made daily, but telling me to "wake up and move forward, friend."
The last wish - I have already blew past two that I didn't really want, but were mere thoughts. The last wish - the Fae only give you three. There are six ladies in the Heart of the Fairies Oracle and I drew the Lady of Joy. I DO wish for joy and simplicity and all that's good. Not material joy either - mental and spiritual joy would be the perfect wish granted for me.

Three Wishes Oracle Spread


1. The first wish tells you what you want.
2. A transitional wish.
3. The Wise wish.

Froud, B. (2010). The heart of faerie oracle. (p. 89). New York, NY: Abrams.

I joined Tarot Forum - - today. My username is MandyInsight. Hope to see you there!

With Love,


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