
  • I am aware of all things that matter universally.
  • I am grateful for each life experience whether positive or negative.
  • I am introspective, indecisive, and a bit of a loner.
  • I am empathetic, generous, and compassionate.

I am just your everyday, ordinary person. I am a mom, I have a dogs, cats, and a little white house that constantly needs attention. I have beautiful property, a wonderful group of friends, and lots of hobbies that make me happy. I have nothing to complain about and everything to be thankful for.

I am a constant answer seeker. I spend countless hours in a day lost in thought considering life, people, society, and spirit. As I learn and grow - I do my best to reach out to others to help them in anyways I can.

I deeply believe that life is what you make of it. Simply stated, we make choices each and everyday. Each choice only leads to more choices and it's a revolving process that goes on and on and on. Yet, in between those choices we are given time to reflect, consider, learn, and grow. In actuality, life is truly simple. It's the "life-driver" (the person at the wheel, a.k.a. you) who makes all the decisions on the outcome.

Some of Awesome things about ME

  • I like pink, but am absurdly attracted to purple and silver - mixed together. Especially if it sparkles.
  • I am an avid reader. I have a love for words. I'll read anything.
  • I prefer to see the good instead of the bad, but do not overlook the risks. 
  • Humanity truly throws me for a loop sometimes. People can just be so damn cold.
  • I have no religion. I believe in what works, makes universal sense (to me), and what gives me that inner flame to keep putting one foot in front of the other. 
  • I love animals. If I had an un-limited supply of money I would pay the government to kennel all breeders and animal abusers - starve them, and than dump in the middle of the jungle somewhere (in hopes that they'll be enslaved by a pack of monkeys). Of course, this would happen while I built a top-notch animal sanctuary where all the un-wanteds could live in peace and happiness. Instead I just volunteer all my free time to advocating and working hands on with the strays and un-wanteds.
  • I want to help people change themselves. If I am able to help at least one person make a better life for them self when they thought it was impossible - I have reached my goal.